Leading. Connecting.  Sharing  

Welcome to the Australian Institute of  Training and Development (AITD), the community where L&D professionals find a premium peer network, extensive resources and contemporary learning. The result? Empowered members who build thriving, adaptable workforces and rewarding careers.

Video: Being an L&D professional

Who we are

As the peak not for profit organisation for learning and development professionals, we are committed to advancing excellence in the field.  As a not-for-profit organisation, we prioritise providing exceptional value to our members, our industry, and our community.

Our vision

Advancing excellence in learning for a better future


We exist to promote the learning profession, engage members and communities, inspire growth and build capability.  We are a not-for-profit member organisation. 

Our values

We are guided by these values in all we do. We commit to: 

Lead with Conviction: Inspire others to strive for excellence.
• Be Proactive: Demonstrate decisive problem-solving skills.
• Stay Committed: Remain resilient and faithful to our vision and goals.
• Encourage Growth: Foster mutual respect and high team performance.
• Uphold Integrity: Take responsibility, maintain high standards of accountability

Connecting: Our Community’s Central Point for Connection

• Engage Positively: Build valued relationships through respectful interactions.
• Facilitate Networking: Create opportunities for our members, supporters and stakeholders.
• Model Expected Behaviour: Follow through on promises, deliver quality, consult widely, listen actively, and courageously address improper conduct while upholding the principles of a fair and equitable culture

Sharing: Knowledge Transfer and Growth

• Share Freely: Offer information, advice, and suggestions to help others succeed.
• Respect Privacy: Promote responsibilities for safeguarding personal information
• Encourage continuous improvement: seek opportunities for development, embrace feedback and strive for excellence in all endeavours.

These values and behaviours will be consistently practiced and promoted by AITD members and employees

What we do

  • Foster sector excellence through setting professional standards and awards.
  • Advance best practices and capabilities of our members.
  • Represent and advocate for the L&D profession.
  • Facilitate community and fellowship within the L&D profession.
  • Curate valued learning and development information.
  • Manage visionary and sustainable operations, providing valuable ongoing returns for members. 

How we deliver

We offer diverse learning opportunities through various formats, such as formal courses, webinars, structured conferences, and discussion forums. Additionally, we provide publications, mentoring, and a plethora of online resources for our members to access the very best in training and development information. Our approach ensures our members excel both now and in the future.

Where we’ve come from

Since 1971, we have been the primary professional membership organisation for L&D professionals across Australia. We provide support, resources, and continuous learning opportunities for members in diverse roles, including:

  • Educators and trainers
  • Coaches and mentors
  • Course coordinators
  • Instructors and teachers
  • Tutors
  • Facilitators
  • Assessors
  • Instructional designers
  • Consultants and HR professionals\


To discuss membership benefits or learn more, click contact us or call on +61 (0)2 9211 9414.