Building a healthy AI and human partnership

5:30pm Thursday, 30 May 2024
7:00pm Thursday, 30 May 2024
Local Event
Level 1, 440 Collins Street
Melbourne , Victoria 3000

"Your droids, they'll have to wait outside." - Building a healthy AI and human partnership.

AI is everywhere, and if you listen to the trends it is going to solve all our problems, make us all obsolete, or end the world as we know it. For Learning and Development we face this challenge on two fronts - both for how we prepare our learners for AI, and for the ramifications on our industry itself.

In this session, Neil Coulson will walk through how we got where we are today, discuss how intelligent current AI is, and how to maximise its value through augmenting not replacing us.

Key takeaways:

  • What AI is really capable of
  • What it's not 
  • How to use it effectively.


Neil Coulson

Neil is an L&D and change management professional with over a decade of project & change management experience. Diversely working to advance both large-scale industry leaders and community based NFPs to embrace and realise potential with new technologies.

Neil brings an ability to distil technically dense concepts into easily understood business-specific content, combined with a proven record of increasing competency, while reducing learner skill acquisition time, and enhancing adoption.

Please note:

  • Member price: $5.00
  • Non-member price $20.00
  • Registrations close 29 May 2024
  • Light refreshments available. Please advise by 12 noon Monday 27 May of any dietary requirements.  

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