Welcome to the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD). The community where L&D professionals find a premium peer network, extensive resources and contemporary learning. The result? Empowered members who build thriving and adaptable workforces … and rewarding careers.
About us
Who we are
We’re the industry body for qualified and credible education professionals. And because we’re not-for-profit, we provide excellent value – with earnings reinvested to benefit our members, our industry and our community (not some faceless business owner).
What we do
Our thousands of members and subscribers rely on us for:
- Research – Draw on cutting-edge information, tips and training
- Rapport – Access to a vibrant tribe of like-minded member-experts
- Recognition – AITD membership is a mark of trust and integrity
- Representation – We represent their needs to government, business and the community
Why we’re here
We believe learning is important for everyone. And that everyone deserves the opportunity to learn. So we provide the latest content, resources, expertise and platforms for discussion – to keep our members at the forefront of educational best practice, improve your organisation’s bottom line, and help you build a thriving and adaptable workforce.
How we deliver
From formal courses to webinars, structured conferences to discussion forums – as well as publications, mentoring and a plethora of online resources – our members draw upon the very best in training and development information. Making them the very best they can be, now and into the future.
Where we’ve come from
We’ve been the primary professional membership organisation for educators across the Asia-Pacific since 1971. Providing support, resources and continuous learning opportunities, for members such as:
- Trainers
- Educators
- Coaches
- Course co-ordinators
- Mentors
- Instructors
- Teachers
- Tutors
- Facilitators
- Assessors
- Instructional designersConsultants
- HR and development professionals
To discuss membership benefits or learn more, call us on +61 (0)2 9211 9414.