Evolve or Perish: Why Adaptability is Critical for Organisational Success
Kuva Jacobs | Co-Founder & Principal Consultant, Emergent Learning
As VUCA accelerates, organisation-wide adaptiveness requires more than a scattergun approach. Adaptability at an organisational level is a critical capability that must be codified into the operating rhythm. It is required to navigate complex and uncertain environments, respond to changing customer needs, stay competitive, and achieve long-term success. Adaptability is often assumed in organisations, but not methodically or uniformly implemented.
- Define why the success of an organisational requires adaptability to be embedded as a widespread capability.
- Examine what are the current issues and gaps that prevent organisational adaptability.
- Explore audience stories about where their own organisations would thrive by uplifting adaptability.
About Kuva
With a PhD that explored the visualization of mathematics as interactive eLearning modules, learning design has long been Kuva’s passion.
Since then she has led teams to develop learning courses in a range of sectors such as marketing, transport and telecommunications.
As co-founder of Emergent Learning, Kuva’s goal is to create innovative and impactful learning that drives real business outcomes and engages learners in a way that is meaningful and relevant.