Why Should Leaders Focus on Ethical Culture and Does That Contribute to the Success of an Organisation?
Margaret (Peg) Klein | Rear Admiral (Rtd.), US Navy
In a very technical environment, much emphasis is placed on measurable outcomes based on technical proficiency. Though it is difficult to measure ethical leadership, it is easy to spot ethical leaders and the positive impact they have on the organization. This discussion will focus on trust and character as valuable traits in successful leaders and the reasons behind their success. We will also discuss how to ensure your organization cultivates a culture that promotes ethical leaders.
- People want to be led by folks they trust.
- Character is difficult to measure but talk about it anyway.
- Leaders who model good character are more successful than those who don't.

About Peg
A 1981 U.S. Naval Academy graduate, Rear Adm. “Peg” Klein became the first woman Commandant of Midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy and was responsible for 4,400 Navy and Marine Corps officer candidates. A designated naval flight officer, she qualified as mission commander and airborne communications officer in the EC-130Q in 1983.
During her career, she served as the Secretary of Defense’s Advisor for Military Professionalism, Chief of Staff for U.S. Cyber Command and as director of operations for the Navy’s Network Warfare Command. In 2011, she commanded an American military force of five ships, 30 aircraft and more than 3,300 Sailors and Marines in combat operations in the Mediterranean Sea. Klein also commanded an aviation squadron and air wing.
She retired from the Navy in 2017 with 35 years of service. She now serves as the Dean of Leadership and Ethics at the Naval War College (2021).