Hard Trends, Soft Trends and the Future of Learning

Ger Driesen | Learning Innovation Leader, aNewSpring
Chemène Sinson | Founder & Principal, Blackwater Projects

‘It is tough to make predictions, especially about the future’ is a quote that is often used.

How would it help us, as learning & development professionals, if we would be able to predict the future? Because the L&D profession is very much about the future. The distinction between hard trends, soft trends and fads gives us opportunities to prepare for and navigate the future. Add some ‘hype cycle riding’ and you’re able to future-proof yourselves as a learning professional!

  1. Make the distinction between hard trends, soft trends and fads.
  2. Use hard trends, soft trends and fads to improve your future readiness.
  3. Learn how to ‘ride the hype cycle’ to anticipate important changes.

Ger Driesen

About Ger

Think of someone connecting people, ideas and inspiration in the global L&D community and you've just created a good description of Ger Driesen. He is the learning innovation leader at aNewSpring: the Learning Journey Platform for Training Providers. In this role, he focusses on sharing the latest insights with L&D professionals to inspire them to design, developed and deliver learning the best way. He also works as a consultant at Challenge Leadership Development Academy, the company he co-founded.

Ger is known as 'the Dutch L&D trendcatcher' based on his articles, blogs and tweets on L&D trends and he is a regular speaker at international conferences.

Chemène Sinson

About Chemène

Chemène is the founder and principal at Blackwater Projects, an independent Australian-based practice that provides advice, products and services that focus on learning for improved performance.

With a background in elite sport coaching and school teaching, Chemène delivers training and assessment qualifications, helps experienced facilitators and assessors get better at what they do, and has supported numerous organisations to design and implement learning experiences that improve on-the-job performance.

She is also an accomplished writer, with more than 100 organisations using learning and assessment materials she has written.