Cultural Transformation and Learning Through Play

Danny Ginsberg | Director of Engagement & Development, Culture Hero

Are we ready to play? Learning must lead organisations into this new norm of constant change, need for re-skilling and increased resilience if we want to truly succeed. A new set of desired skills like adaptability, creativity, emotional intelligence, collaboration and persuasion are sought after.

How do learning leaders help build these skills? Is 'play' the untapped key that can help us overcome our current business challenges? Because at the heart of these capabilities is PLAY! We believe work can be a place of human connection, meaning and purpose - where people do their best when they feel safe to be themselves. We’ll explore how the power of play can help:

  • lead cultural transformation
  • stem the growing pains of rapid expansion
  • safely invite your people back into the workplace
  • make real connection in a virtual space

And along the way let’s have some fun!

  1. What is a 'cultural hero' and how you get one?
  2. The power of play!
  3. Making a  real connection to what you do and who you do it with.

About Danny

Danny Ginsberg is a passionate people development professional with a strong eye for organisational needs and workforce competencies. He has a successful background in the creation and execution of leadership and professional development programs, implementing creative solutions to meet business needs.

Danny has been lucky to work for amazing local and international organisations including, IKEA, Bunnings, Department of Sustainability & Environment, Performance Partners Consulting, Specsavers, Xero & The Arbinger Institute. Danny has also ventured out on his own into consulting and worked with many large service, retail and franchise companies.

After being a big fan for many years, in January 2021 he had the opportunity to join Culture Hero where he is now the Director of Engagement and Development. A wonderful combination of his years of learning & development experience, all his creative endeavours and a deep love of play. 

Danny’s passion for learning and working towards a successful and dynamic organisational culture is reflected in all he does. He is dedicated to helping individuals grow and develop into inspirational and motivated leaders.