Welcome to the world of eLearning! Whether you’re interested in eLearning and its possibilities, if you're considering transitioning content into an eLearning format, or if you’re already creating eLearning and want to consolidate and stretch your knowledge, then this course is for you.
Module 1: Introduction and Overview to Online Learning
● Week 1
○ Overview of the course and the 3 modules covered
○ What is eLearning?
○ How eLearning fits into the mix
■ L & D
■ OD
■ HR
■ Change Management
○ Terminology
● Week 2
○ Overview of Methodologies / Frameworks
○ Overview of Instructional Design
○ User Experience design overview
○ Overview of Visual Design
● Week 3
○ Project management overview
○ Intro to Delivery
■ Delivering a project to a business or client
■ Delivering content to learners
● Week 4
○ Overview of tools and technologies
■ High-level overview of common tools and technologies used to manage, design, build and deliver online learning
■ Tying it all together: what does an online learning strategy look like?
● Practical Component Deliverable
○ Develop a strategy for transitioning to an online learning environment