Creating Culture through Compliance

12:00pm Thursday, 16 November 2023
1:00pm Thursday, 16 November 2023

Creating a Learning Culture is something that we all hear about and strive for, but often feel shackled by the enormity of it. Where to start? Isn’t culture something that’s designed by external consultants who get paid a crazy amount of money to write a white paper and then leave? How do we move the needle?

Well – it could be that the one part where you can make the most change and shift the dial the most is in the place where all employees dread - the mandatory learning or “compliance” space. Even the word compliance hurts your soul. But it doesn’t have to be that way. By reimagining what words like compliance, mandatory, refreshers and tests could mean – you can get a twofer – kickstarting your new and improved learning culture through the learning that everyone has to do every year – COMPLIANCE.

Key Takeaways:

 1.       How to move compliance away from content and testing to context and doing.

2.       The key elements within a learning culture and the levers you have at your disposal to shift your level of learning maturity.

3.       How to create a learning campaign in the mandatory space that can be templated and used across the business.


Dan Tohil

Dan is the founder and Group CEO for Inspire Group. Prior to establishing Inspire, Dan worked in a number of learning and development roles, internally and as an external consultant, and realised that the industry could benefit from some fresh thinking and approaches.

Stu Neighbour

Stu is the CEO of IG Australia and having been a teacher in another life, knows the power of learning to not only complete things in the present but create alternative futures. And he knows if the learning bar is low – you don’t have to do crazy stuff to lift the bar and get better outcomes.

Please Note:

  • Registrations close: 15 November 2023
  • Time listed is AEDT
  • Please note that Zoom links will be emailed to registered attendees one day prior to the webinar.

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